EJS Counselling & Psychotherapy

If you would like to work with me or ask questions about my services then please get in touch via phone, text or email. I offer a free 15 minute call or you can go straight to booking an initial assessment.

Please call 07792 187304 or email ejs.counselling@gmail.com to talk through what you are looking for?

All enquires are treated as confidential.

If I am not available to talk, please leave a message, with your number on my confidential 24 hour answer phone and I will call you back as soon as I am free (usually within a maximum 24 hours)


Initial Assessment (75 minutes) £55
Weekly Sessions (50 minutes) Fee £75- £60 Sliding Scale

OUTDOOR THERAPY (7.30am to 6.30pm Tuesday to Friday)

Zoom session as an Assessment (75 minutes) £55 to check this sort of work is right for your needs.
Walk & Talk Therapy (75 minutes) £70
Psychodynamic Eco-therapy (75 minutes) £70
Deeper Nature Sessions (90 minutes) £85


Initial Assessment (60-75 minutes) £55
Individual Weekly Counselling (50 minutes) Fee £75- £60 Sliding Scale.

Online Relationship / Couples Therapy

Initial Assessment (90 minutes) £80
Weekly Sessions (75 minutes) £75 

CONCESSION FEES are available across all services


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Frequently Asked Questions & Extra Support


Where can we check if a Therapist is on this BACP Register

The Register  gives you access to a list of counsellors and psychotherapists who have met the standards for registration. All registrants are trained and are required to be in supervision and to undertake appropriate continued professional development. All members of BACP, including those on the Register, are bound by the BACP Ethical Framework.

How long will my therapy take?

This will be discussed more fully towards the end of the initial meeting, when the way forward may be clearer.
The short-term route may entail 8-12 weeks approximately. This will be a more focused counselling approach, working towards agreed and well-defined goals. Open-ended psychotherapy addresses more complex issues in greater depth.

Who else will know? Is counselling confidential?

Confidentiality is an extremely important part of the counselling arrangement and I take it very seriously. However, there are a few aspects of confidentiality that I think need to be explained:

  • Counsellors are required to work with a supervisor to improve their practise (please go to www.bacp.co.uk to learn more about counselling and the ethical framework I work by). When I see my supervisor, it is sometimes necessary to tell her small parts of your story in order to help me work better with you. I do not tell my supervisor any more than I need to and she does not know the identity of any of my clients.
  • The only time I might break confidentiality with you would be if I thought you or another person were in danger of harm; I would only do this after discussion with you about your options; I would always prefer for you to seek further help yourself, and would only break confidentiality myself in an extreme case.
  • In the event of my death or incapacity, my professional executor would be informed of my clients contact details, so that she could contact you to inform you of my situation and help you to find a new counsellor if you wanted one.
  • I can discuss all the aspects of confidentiality more with you when we meet for the first time.

What approaches does EJS Counselling draw upon as an integrative counsellor?

Integrative therapy is a progressive form of psychotherapy that combines different therapeutic tools and approaches to fit the needs of the individual client. With an understanding of normal human development, an integrative therapist modifies standard treatments to fill in development gaps that affect each client in different ways. By combining elements drawn from different schools of psychological theory and research, integrative therapy becomes a more flexible and inclusive approach to treatment than more traditional, singular forms of psychotherapy.


Ecotherapy is a type of therapeutic treatment that exists on the belief that we are all intrinsically connected to the earth and natural world, and that our subconscious minds aren’t separate entities from our environment. From this, we can access balance and calm from the connection with nature. Nurturing that connection can be highly beneficial for our mental health.

Psychodynamic Counselling.

Works by bringing unconscious processes and emotions into consciousness; there is an emphasis on the influence of the past and on recurring patterns of behaviours and relationships. This takes into account ones history from birth to the present day.

Person Centred Counselling.

Offers a non-judgemental therapeutic relationship between client and counsellor, in which the client can explore what they need and want, and how they can achieve their goals.

Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Works by examining the ways that thoughts, feelings and behaviours can affect each other, and how different aspects of these can be changed to solve specific problems.

Internal Family Systems 

IFS is frequently used as an evidence-based psychotherapy, helping people heal by accessing and healing their protective and wounded inner parts. IFS creates inner and outer connectedness by helping people first access their Self and, from that core, come to understand and heal their parts.  

Creative Therapy.

A non-verbal way of revealing deeper emotions that may not otherwise be clearly expressed. The client is encouraged to express themselves freely through art, allowing a link between the subconscious and the product of the art therapy.

Play Therapy.

A client uses play to help communicate their personal perceptions without feeling interrogated or threatened. The therapist uses specific techniques to assess how the client experiences their world. This can be used to support both children and adults.


Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, with compassion, and open-hearted curiosity .Through cultivating mindful awareness, we discover how to live in the present moment rather than brooding about the past or worrying about the future.

Useful Links

Food Banks UK

Network of UK based Foodbanks

Advice for families affected by Drug & Alcohol use

Adfam's vision is a United Kingdom where every family member facing problems with drugs or alcohol will have access to a range of specialised services.


ChildLine is a free 24-hour helpline for children and young people in the UK. Children and young people can call the helpline on 0800 1111 about any problem, at any time - day or night.

Help for Lone Parents

Gingerbread was started in 1970 and is a registered charity maintained by lone parents for lone parent families in England and Wales.

Family Lives

Family Lives is a UK registered charity which offers support to anyone parenting a child - the child's parents, stepparents, grand parents and foster parents.


Women's Aid is a national domestic violence charity which co-ordinates and supports an England-wide network of over 300 local projects, providing over 500 refuges, helplines, outreach services and advice centres.

Mankind Domestic Violence

Mankind Domestic Violence supports men affected by domestic violence from their partners, helplines, advice centres and group meetings

Help for Fathers

Families Need Fathers is a registered UK charity which provides information and support to parents, including unmarried parents, of either sex. FNF is chiefly concerned with the problems of maintaining a child's relationship with both parents during and after family breakdown.

Child Contact Centres

Child Contact Centres are places where children of separated families can spend time with one or both parents and sometimes other family members, where there are no other viable options. The National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC) promotes safe child contact within a national framework of Child Contact Centres.

LGBT/ Transgender Youth Support

Outreach youth is committed to enabling Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer and Questioning (LGBT*Q+) young people and their peers, to realise their unique potential and to take a positive role in society, through their involvement and participation in social and informal education youth work opportunities.

Pink Parents

Pink Parents' aims are to promote equality and diversity and to eliminate discrimination in relation to lesbian, gay and bisexual parents and parents-to-be and their children.

Family Lawyers

Resolution's members are family lawyers committed to the constructive resolution of family disputes and follow a code of practice that promotes a non-confrontational approach to family problems.

Natural Academy

Natural Academy is an Eco- Social Enterprise rooted in 12 years of training nature based facilitators and helping organisations develop professional service to work with others in nature. Its vision is that through the potential of training, education and professional development there is a way of helping support solutions to the human health crisis and the environmental crisis. At its core is the principle of Healthy people: Healthy planet.

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