EJS Counselling & Psychotherapy


Relationship Therapy & Couples Therapy

In Person

Relationship Therapy can help transform your relationship and your lives; for others it may help you solve a specific problem and move forward with more confidence and less anxiety.

The odd tiff, full-blown arguments or you have simply stopped having fun - very few relationships exist conflict-free. When this (one of our most important relationships) begins to falter, our health and happiness often suffers.

When a relationship feels like it is breaking down, having negative feelings about yourself and your partner can leave you feeling frustrated and alone.

At certain points in our life we can become ‘stuck’ not knowing how to move forward, if that is the case then relationship therapy may be of benefit to you.

  • Relationship therapy can be useful  at  any stage in a relationship.
  • There doesn’t need to be a crisis in order to seek help.
  • Sometimes people find it useful before they make a change in their relationship - for example thinking of moving in together, or considering marriage.

Psychotherapy can also provide valuable support when there is a crisis and there doesn’t seem to be a way forward.
I offer relationship therapy to adult family members and to couples– married, common law, heterosexual and/or same sex.

Some of the things I aim to help you achieve through relationship therapy include:

  • Learning better communication skills
  • Creating a more stable family life
  • Self-discovery
  • Greater awareness of your partner/family member’s needs
  • Reduced jealousy
  • Increased confidence

Often the consequences of couple break-up can be very serious with far-reaching consequences for all concerned. Relationships can go through difficult patches, life rarely stays the same, career changes, differing priorities, the birth of children, loss of loved ones, illness, trauma, infidelity, to name a few, can all impact on how we are able to relate to our partners.

Relationship therapy can help you to begin to understand and relate your differences and similarities to each other in ways that may strengthen and enrich your relationship or help you through the process of separation with a higher level of understanding.


You may ask how does relationship therapy work online?

How to Book?

1. You contact me for an initial appointment and agree a fee for your session. If I am not available to talk, please leave a message on my confidential 24 hour answer phone 07792 187304, or you can email me with your contact details and I will call you back, as soon as I can; usually within 24 hours.

2. We agree a date and time for an initial online appointment. I will also support you to make sure all your sessions are completely confidential wherever you are.

3. I send you both a Zoom Meeting invitation at the agreed time. (this included details of how too upload the Zoom platform to your device (computer/laptop/ iPhone or android). 

4. I ask that the session fee is sent via BACs prior to the session.

5. In our initial online meeting I answer any questions you need answered. We discuss what you want to achieve from your counselling, length of therapy, fees and payment options. If you are happy with the therapy on offer, we will agree a way to work together and set up a schedule of appointments.

6. If you decide you would like to continue to see me as your therapist, regular sessions will be arranged (usually at the same time on the same day, each week).

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What will happen at our initial assessment?

An initial assessment lasts 90 minutes. You will attend together. This is not a therapy session, although you may both find it therapeutic. During the first 15 minutes of the assessment I tell you both a bit more about me , we will discuss confidentiality and I ask each of you lots of questions about your family circumstances to help build up a picture of the history of your relationship and family support. Then there will be space for you each to talk and we can begin to assess the issues that have led you to this point. Towards the end will discuss a way forward and if you both decide you would like to work with me we sign a contract and plan future sessions.

How many sessions do we need?

Initially you will be offered a minimum of 6 therapeutic sessions. Each session lasts for 75 minutes and will be at the same time each week. In the first 2-3 sessions we will work together to identify key problems and begin to work with these in mind. If the issues are less complex we may agree on a shorter more solution focused approach which would be 4-6 sessions. If the issues are more complex we may agree to work on an ongoing basis.

Can we get individual support too?

Some couples find they benefit from having individual counselling. As I am working with you as a couple I would not see you on an individual basis as well. If it becomes apparent that either one of you may benefit from individual counselling, I will be able to signpost you to local practitioners and/or services..

Contact Edward via email or call 07792 187304

"True compassion arises from a healthy sense of self, from an awareness of who we are that honours our own capacities and fears, our own feelings and integrity, along with those of others" - Jack Kornfield


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